Vulnerability comes in handy: What we can learn about coaching with our teachers of Tai Chi, Pilates, or Yoga (or any exercise type).

The idea of understanding and appreciating our physical sensations as we coach has never appealed to me. My dismissive assumptions about a somatic approach to coaching range from too soft and light, to rarely useful for the demands of executive coaching. Today, after an instructive Pilates class, I experienced a few metaphors for what we…


Coaching Supervision parallels a Master Class: what we can learn from the arts.

In a previous note, I offered a few examples of experts utilizing coaches of their own. Sports champions and award winning actors rely on guidance from others. I am intrigued by the concept of special coaches or masters outside our field who may offer us new ways of thinking about coaching supervision. A master class…


Coach supervision has amazing parallels among professionals of every field

1. Great golfers have coaches “…one of the biggest reasons (Tiger) Woods is back on top of golf is that he has finally clicked with new swing coach, Sean Foley, less than three years after they started working together. Foley, originally from Toronto, is a strange guy in the world of golf. In 2010, before…


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